Minecodes 114521a103
[STABLE] Release v2.0.0
+ XMPP/Jabber module
 + Last ping display
 + Added async bot starter
 + Added new MOTDs
 * Added more config options
 * Fixed randomizer for motd and status
 * Fixed some smaller bugs
2023-07-17 16:41:03 +02:00

1.7 KiB


A multipurpose Discord/XMPP/Jabber bot, created in Go and created for tech communities.

Invite: discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=987391496724570134&permissions=431711709376&scope=bot%20applications.commands


Command Description
help Show the help message (XMPP only)
ping Pong!
weather Get the weather of a city
gh user Get information about a Github user
httpdog Get a HTTP status code as a dog picture
httpcat Get a HTTP status code as a cat picture
fox Get a random fox picture
qrcode Generate a QR code
password Generate a random password
trains Trainboy: me gusta los trenes
